Recovery Week

This week has been different, that's for sure. In my planning of an Olympic and half-ironman triathlon I didn't plan off days as I knew my body was better at telling me when than I could plan for a month ahead of time. I had planned recovery weeks into the schedule and this week was to push the envelope a little and next week was going to be a recovery week. My body thought different and dictated that this week was going to be a recovery week. I should've guessed when I arrived at the pool before sunrise Tuesday morning and saw all the bugs in the pool. Apparently kids were playing the night before and left their tubes which then clogged the filters. I sucked it up and skimmed the bugs and started to do some intervals. I should've known something was up when I had no energy for the first interval. A pre-muscle pull feeling in the small of my back on the third interval had me call it a day. I went to the gym later at noon and started some pushups. The same muscle gave me a hint to knock it off so I did and really called it a day. I officially labeled this week a recovery week and will start back on some intervals next week.
The body always says when it's time to take a break. I should recognize it and not push through it.
Wednesday night I went and listened to Brandon Marsh (photo above) at a Tri-Facts clinic for those that self-coach. It was the second time I heard Brandon speak his words of triathlon wisdom and this time he didn't disappoint. He reinforced some things I had worked into the plan this year, namely year-round strength work and four running days a week and some advice on some brick work. Brandon's also started coaching so if any of you need a coach he'd be a great one.
I've been concentrating on my running form lately. After reading reading this article it's amazing how sucking in the deep abs and crunching the glutes helps with the form. From sluggish legs to light legs. Amazing!.
Labels: Brandon Marsh, recovery Tri-facts
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