Calorie Burn

It turns out that I burned more calories than I thought or didn't consume as many calories as I thought. Either way, I lost weight while on the trip.

One of the more interesting observations while on the trip came last night in O'Hare Airport. I took K down the terminal to get something to eat. Within 50 feet of each other was a McDonald's, a juice bar with beets and vegetables in the display case and a Starbuck's. The McDonald's restaurant had possibly 30 people waiting in line while the juice bar and Starbuck's each had a couple. Not a couple of dozen, just TWO PEOPLE. Totally amazing to me that given that there was a healthy alternative, people chose the Mickey D. I guess not totally amazing as I saw a lot of large people this past week.

Equally amazing was the $72 million pulled in by the Simpsons movie. These two events say quite a lot about our society but I'm not ready to absorb or understand what that is right now.

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