I Missed The Springs

I haven't been back to Barton Springs since my last open water training prior to the CapTexTri in May. I don't exactly know why but I suspect it's the constant 68-degree water temperature. I don't like cold water. I tried to ice my legs after a long run once and stayed in the tub exactly five seconds. But this morning 68 degrees didn't feel so cold. It felt refreshing in comparison to the sauna my neighborhood pool had become.
Leaving Barton Springs after a swim put me in such a better mood. Although I didn't recognize anyone at the springs this morning, each one had a big grin on their face like they knew a secret. The secret may be that starting your day with a dip in the springs puts the heart in the proper cadence for whatever stress may come its way throughout the day. I stopped at the dam spillway at the end of the pool and glanced over the edge. The swans and ducks were enjoying there time alone, away from humans. Moving from one bank to the other and with the current.
I couldn't believe it this morning. I looked up at the bougainvillea and saw pineapple plants with pineapples between each of the pots of bougainvillea. The springs and grounds will go through a renovation that will supposedly return the springs back to their old glory. Be sure to read the master plan and make comments to make this jewel better than it is today. Hopefully, things like the pineapple plants will remain.
The days .... come and go like muffled and veiled figures, sent from a distant friendly party; but they say nothing, and if we do not use the gifts they bring, they carry them as silently away. --Ralph Waldo Emerson
Labels: Barton Springs, Ralph Waldo Emerson
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