Building Base Starts To Show

Since the Freescale Marathon, I've been building my aerobic base. Something I didn't give enough time to last year preparing for the Austin Distance Challenge and the marathon. No intervals, no tempo runs, so hills and no Fartleks. Just LSD (long, slow distance) and sometimes runs in the aerobic zone. It's very boring, but easy on the joints. It seems to be working.

The second week after Freescale I ran 4.5 miles at 134 heart rate and 13.2 minutes per mile. This morning my 4-mile run was at a 130 heart rate and 9:49 minutes per mile. I couldn't believe it yesterday when the heart rate monitor was reading in the 125 average HR for 10:50 minute miles. Amazing that it's true, you have to go slower to go faster [Mark Allen and Phil Maffetone]. I do believe that recent cycling, elliptical and swimming activities have played a part in this as well. This could mean that the San Antonio Marathon will be different than the Freescale Marathon. It couldn't be worse. It also means that I've finally come across a training program that works for me.

Tour de Cure Update - My people (donors) have voiced their opinion in last week's poll and I will be cycling 75 miles this week. It's already Wednesday, so I better get in 20 today. I had planned on a 20-mile ride yesterday, but the unexpected rain and hail came through in the evening.

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