Ready for the Motive Half Marathon Nov. 20

I got my 15-mile run in yesterday around Townlake so I should be ready for the 13.1-mile Motive Half Marathon on Nov. 20.

Except for the spicy red beans and rice from Thundercloud Subs, I went back to my routine and today the legs feel great. I don't know what I was thinking with the red beans and rice. No problems with them, but I imagine there could've been. I also didn't take anything to munch on for mile eight and felt like I needed something from mile eight onward.

Yesterday, knowing I would running past dark on the trail, I picked up a Cat Eyes Cap Light. It really worked on the trail. It's powered by four lithium coin cell batteries for approximately 24 hours of whitish-blue light. I saw two or three other runners with them as well.

I felt like I got back to my routine or one that stressed the legs, but not too much. Any one of the routine items or all of them contributed to my legs feeling fresh today. Icing the knees, soaking the legs, stretching afterwards and getting nine hours rest probably all contributed.

Data from the run

  • 15 miles
  • 26,401 total steps or 151 per minute
  • 11:36 pace/ mile
  • Average heart rate 124 bpm

My running calculator/ training paces

  • Easy run training pace is: 10:55 min/mile
  • Tempo run training pace is: 9:07 min/mile
  • Maximum oxygen training pace is: 8:14 min/mile
  • Speed form training pace is: 7:38 min/mile
  • Long run training pace is: 10:55 - 12:16 min/mile
  • Yasso 800s training pace is: 4:13 min/800

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