New Green Smoothie Recipe
Last week out Runtex training group decided to have a smoothie party after our run. I brought a mixer and a juicer. They brought veggies and fruits. We gathered in the hospital conference room (we train in the ED parking lot), plugged in the machines and started cutting the fruit and veggies into juiceable chunks. We then put the juice of each veggie/fruit into a cup and after we were done, everyone mixed they're own drinks. One of the favorites created the recipe below. It's a green smoothie with a combination of fruits and vegetables.
1 cup apple juice
1 cup cucumber juice
1/4 cup spinach juice
1 cup strawberry juice
1 banana, non-juiced (blended)
I was amazed at the bright colors the purple cabbage, spinach and carrots made. Being the week before Easter, it looked like the cups of dye used for Easter eggs.
Labels: green, juicer, recipe, Runtex, smoothie
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